CCTV Compliance: We can offer support to you

As a SSAIB-certified CCTV installer Security Group is committed to maintaining best practice but we understand that for many of our customers data protection and best practice compliance can be a complex area.

However, if you are operating a CCTV system understanding your obligations in respect of protecting people’s privacy is increasingly important as technology, such as facial recognition, becomes more advanced.

Fortunately, since 2013, there has been a framework for CCTV operators to follow in the form of the 12 Guiding Principles that make up the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice. The Government has also appointed a Surveillance Camera Commissioner, to encourage – but not to enforce – compliance with the Code.

Tony Porter held the post until the end of February 2021 when he was succeeded by Fraser Sampson, who was also appointed Biometrics Commissioner. Fraser has worked in the criminal justice sector for over 40 years having moved from serving in the police force into studying law and becoming a solicitor and most recently working as Chief Executive for Police, Fire & Crime Commissioners in Yorkshire. Fraser is also an Honorary Professor and Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University.

On his appointment Fraser outlined updating the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice as one of his priorities. Tony Porter had carried out a review of the impact of the Code in 2015 and produced recommendations for the government on updating the Code and had been calling for action but this has yet to happen.

The need for change has been recognised because of the advances in technology which were underlined recently by a legal case brought by a Cardiff resident Ed Bridges and represented by the human rights campaigning group, Liberty, who challenged South Wales Police’s use of live facial recognition in public.

 “Following the Bridges judgment on the proper and accountable use of facial recognition technology, it’s now more important than ever to produce a Code that’s fit for purpose and is designed to stay up to date with the fast-paced evolution of surveillance camera technology,” Fraser said.

However, the existing 12 Guiding Principles that make up the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice still provide CCTV operators with a systematic approach to managing CCTV compliance. This is why we now offer our customers access to the CCTV Logbook portal, which within its Compliance Package takes customers through the 12 Guiding Principles using a comprehensive step-by-step checklist. When the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice is updated CCTV Logbook will revise its compliance area to reflect any changes made to the 12 Guiding Principles.

Without this process compliance could be a burden for our customers but instead by completing all areas of compliance they can print off a certificate to display to others. While this is not an official document it demonstrates to that they are taking compliance seriously as a CCTV operator.

If you are based in Bristol or within south-west England and are looking for a CCTV installer that not only provides the best solutions for you but can also help you manage your system and CCTV compliance then Security Group can do this and will help you understand the CCTV Logbook portal. Contact us now to discuss all your CCTV needs either by phoning 0117 914 1180 or using our contact form.